Image of a primary aged girl with red hair, sat with an open book reading.

Looking After Yourself During SATs

You might be feeling worried about your SATs, how you will feel during the test and if you will be able to answer the questions. Some stress is normal and can help you do your best but too much stress is not good for you.

Here are some top tips to help:

  • Talk to your teachers. Your teachers are there to help if you need support with your work or to manage worries.
  • Learn some relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness and breathing exercises, which you could use if you feel anxious in a test.
  • Try to get 8 to 10 hours sleep per night so you can focus better when taking your tests. Have a regular bedtime and avoid screens in the hour before bed- try reading, colouring, or listening to your favourite music instead.
  • Keep active. Do some sport or go for a walk outside in the fresh air to improve your sleep and your mental health. 
  • Eat regular meals to give you energy and drink plenty of water that is best for your health and improves concentration. It is best to avoid high sugar and energy drinks.
  • Try not to compare yourself to others. Everyone is different with their own special strengths and your wellbeing is the most important thing. 


Watch the video below for more top tips from BBC Newsround about how to prepare for SATs.

YouTube video by 'BBC NewsWorld'

The Calm Zone

There are lots of ways to feel calmer. It's about finding what works for you. Try some breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress from the Calm Zone.

Useful links:

The Calm Zone - Childline

SATs are used to measure school performance and to make sure individual pupils have the support they need as they transition to secondary school. Children should not be made to feel under pressure but preparing for SATs and the tests themselves can cause some children to worry and compare themselves to others. Here are some tips for supporting your child during the test weeks.

•    Look for signs of stress, including: difficulty sleeping or sleeping longer than usual; seeking reassurance more than usual; being tearful or irritable, having headaches or stomach aches.   
•    Help your child to get enough sleep by agreeing boundaries around screen time and encouraging a regular bedtime routine.
•    Offer healthy meals, snacks, and plenty of water.
•    Notice and praise effort and talk about your child’s strengths to boost their self-esteem.   
•    Take time to talk to your child about anything that is worrying them. Acknowledge their feelings and encourage them to face their worries in manageable steps.
•    Help your child learn to relax. Try some activities together and be a role model for looking after your own wellbeing.  
•    And finally, plan a treat or an activity together to mark the end of the tests.


Useful links and resources: 
Navigating Exam Season Resources - Place2Be
Exams: Supporting Your Child - Charlie Waller